We're Just Getting Started


BIG NEWS! Appigo has been infused with new management, new funding, new talent, and new energy. Travis Cook, CEO and a highly-regarded entrepreneur and technologist, led the acquisition and has big plans for the future of Todo.

“We’re going to use the incredible success of Todo as a springboard for innovations across all of our products, as well as brand new platforms,” Travis stated. “We’re poised and ready to GET THINGS DONE!” Travis brings a solid background in strategy, operations, and software development. You can follow him on Twitter if you’d like to say hello.

Some of the areas getting lots of new attention and energy are:

  • Faster product releases – we are going to ramp up our release of features and improvements on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android, and web.
  • Todo for teams – we are laser-focused on developing features for teams, organizations, and collaborative projects. Lots of valuable additions here.
  • Communication with our customers – we are committed to your success, and we will provide regular support and motivation to enhance your productivity.
  • Social engagement – it’s been pretty quiet for a while. . . we are ramping up our social presence and we want to hear from you. If you love Todo or have a question, let us know!
  • Many more things. . .  stay tuned for exciting future announcements!

A HUGE thank you for the patience of those affected by recent software bugs. We appreciate your patience and we’re fixing them as quickly as we find them. Be sure to grab the newest update released today in the Apple App Store.  The Mac updates will be in the Mac App Store.

For those of you who are Todo Power Users and want to join our active beta group, we invite you to be heard and get involved. If you are interested in the beta group, Phil is looking forward to hearing from you at phil@todo-cloud.com.

For more information regarding Appigo’s management change, check out this Beehive Startups article.

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13 Responses

  1. So that Social engagement and Communication with our customers starts today or? 😀 Because i was asking some serious stuff on your forums and twitter just couple days ago with no answer as usual. And what about this Faster product releases? Especially this “out in a week” for 4 months update? If what you write here is true then good luck with that. I already have other set of todo apps that im using because i cant live with Mac app that is 4 months DEAD – this is just too much for any patience – also soon is here another new OS X with more problems to fix. Anyway i hope you get your s… back together and come up with some awesome features/updates not only for business. Then i can consider using your apps again.

    BTW just updated Mac app and my list is without days and dates under EVERY task so i dont know what that picture here means O.o

  2. The latest version of Todo for Mac lets you set the scope of task details you’d like to see. You can choose a single line (which doesn’t show dates), multiple lines, or full details that show task notes. The control is on the bottom right of the screen.

  3. Hello,

    I’m really glad to see Todo is getting some new blood. I’ve been a premium customer for a long time, always recommending your software to my friends, but I grew tired of a lack of initiative from Todo, with no major feature updates, no communication with the community, not listening what the community wanted.

    For that reason I tried a lot of alternative task management systems (2do, Todoist, Wunderlist, Any.do, Things, OmniFocus, etc), but all of that lacked something only Todo had once offered me.
    I’m now using Todoist, but there are some things essential in a task manager for me:
    – color coding by list/folder/whatever
    – priority numbered system (and not only “star” or “no star”)
    – calendar view
    – alarm system
    – being able to parse intelligent writing (eg. (tomorrow) -Shopping !!)

    I’ll give you some examples in which I’d like to see Todo to work on:
    – improving the calendar view
    – improving the task display method or offer more options (eg condensed view, or ability to view context in the task list) – I see you already offer some of that in the Mac client
    – the web interface is veeeery old, a redesign is needed
    – touch id for iphone

    I’m more of a personal user, and the points I mention above are more important to me, but I understand improving “team support” is important for Todo as a whole.

    Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I believe a lot of users, like me, were let down by Todo, but I’ll be willing to go back being a (premium) customer if you show some work, and I bet a lot of other users will to.

  4. Finally some positive news from Appigo! Having used ToDO on Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android and web over the past 2-3 years, I am well, addicted to ToDo.

    One thing that hasn’t changed about ToDo is it’s ‘efficiency’. I mean, I simply cannot remember when your sync system had a downtime. It’s respectable and much appreciated.

    Another thing that didn’t change much was the UI of the apps. It looks dated (at least compared to Todoist/2Do). I mean, you cannot even change the font size! I had almost given up on ToDo. 2 weeks back, I shifted to Todoist. My renewed ToDo Cloud subscription expires in Dec 2015. So let’s see what changes till then!

    Really want this gem of an app to rule the ToDo world! Good luck!

    1. Updating lots of stuff in all the apps these next months so please stay tuned! Glad to have you still. We get the request for UI changes a lot and are thinking through that.

  5. I like this app. I would love it if the lists made more sense. The inbox should only show tasks that have not been assigned to another list or have a due date (GTD). Starred and Focus to me are the same thing. Today should only show tasks with today’s due date, with the option to add starred tasks. And I’d trade the “ALL” in for “Future” to show only tasks that are not in today plus undated. The redundancy in the List’s results makes it confusing. If Travis Cook can make better sense out of the list structure I will become a raving fan with positive posts to Facebook, LinkedIn and the App store.

    Will Heine
    Media Majik, LLC

  6. Will, thank you for the feedback. I think you’re spot on. We’re working to refine the All, Inbox and Focus list approach to help people manage their tasks way better. If you’d like to have a more direct impact on the product, you might consider joining our beta group. Thanks!

  7. Hi, I love the app. I loved it and used it for many years, then went on to try other things. I’ve tried tons of them. But I have a question that will make me decide to come back. I want a well integrated calendar and ToDo app. This to me is logical, because my ToDos can only be done during those parts of the day where I have free time. So if ToDo allows me to input time and date for my ToDo, now I have to look at the Calendar App – that is horrible on iOS and Mac – and then come back to look at ToDo. Readdle has attempted to bridge this with their Calendars5 App, which is a real great app, but the taskmanagement in it is sadly wanting. It just does not have the strong organization that ToDo has. Things doesnt have the time scheduling. Others dont have the pretty clean smooth interfaces. So…any chance this is on the horizon? An integration with a Calendar App, where I could see ToDo just pulling in the Calendar info and showing in ton an integrated Calendar within ToDo?


  8. As an avid user and subscriber I am disappointed that I may have to move to another program due the the lack of a windows app. I’ve given up on iPhone due to battery, price and general storage issues and am moving completely over to windows, especially with the new windows 10. I haven’t found any other todo program that compares favourably to yours but if I can’t use it I will have to find an alternative. I can’t use the web on my windows phone as your site defaults to the mobile version and insists I download an app that doesn’t exist.
    Please produce a Win app, with the success of windows 10 I’d think it was a must do.

    1. Ken, Windows is something we are looking at very closely. We really appreciate the feedback and we will post any updates regarding a Window’s app on our blog.

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